Lent –
Thin Places
-Start your
meeting together by sharing your highs and lows from the last week.
-Then dive in to
the discussion starters for this week.
-Included again is
a Bible reading & some questions if you'd like to go that route.
Remember to pray together & be ready to
worship at 7:00!
- Imagine, you have an unlimited budget to take a trip.
Where do you go & what do you do?
- Do you like to spend time outside? Why/Why not? What do
you do/What do you do instead?
- Share about a memorable experience you had outdoors…
- Compare & contrast being outside to being inside.
What’s the same? Different? What’s unique to each? What are the benefits
& drawbacks?
- Describe your favorite place/location…What is special
about that spot?
- If God is somewhere,
in a certain place, where do you think that place is?
- We are promised that we have the Holy Spirit in each of
us (1 Corinthians 6:19, 2 Timothy 1:14), so God is always with us. But if
you had to pick a place to go & be with God, where would it be? Do you
actually do this?
- Share about a place, other than your house, that you feel
“at home” or at peace, when you’re there…
- How about a time or place that you were out of your
comfort zone…Where was that/what did you have to do? What was the result?
How do you feel about it now?
- Where do you go, or who do you go to when you’re in some
sort of trouble or hard time? How does being in that place or talking to
that person help?
- How do you feel or sense that God is present? Or, how
have you heard others describe it?
- Did you know that “wilderness” is used 284 times in the
bible (NRSV), and “mountains” 363 times? That’s kind of a lot. Do a search
of wilderness & mountains in the bible & see what kinds of things
happen in those places. (www.biblegateway.com)
Bible reading &
Luke 4:1-13. Read it out loud together.
- It says the Spirit led Jesus into the
wilderness. Do you think this was the same Spirit that appeared during
Jesus’ baptism? Why would the Spirit lead Jesus into temptation?
- The devil offers Jesus a loaf of
bread. When was a time you remember being really hungry? How did it affect
- Jesus quotes Psalm 91, where God
promises to send angels to protect people. What would you do if an angel
appeared before you?!
- Temptation is everywhere. What do you
do when you’re tempted? What tempts you to stray from your faith in God?
time – Pray for each other’s highs & lows.
Dear God, thank you for (highs).
Please be with us as we deal with (lows).
Jesus’ name we pray, amen.
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