- Why?
- Our Lent mentoring series exists
to give kids one more adult in their lives that they can talk to, trust,
and by whom to be guided in their faith journey. In the words of Hebrews 12:1, to add to
kids’ “cloud of witnesses.”
- Mentoring is how we choose to be
intentional about the more reflective season of Lent while maintaining
our focus on relational ministry.
- Who?
- AAA adults!
- Authentic – Be yourself.
- Available – Outside of church if
able, but with appropriate boundaries.
- Affirming – Be a voice of
encouragement & support.
- What?
- One-to-one mentoring
conversations. These will focus on
relationship-building and the Lenten series theme. You will be given a
discussion guide each week.
- This Lent our theme is “Thin
Places”. Ash Wednesday will be a
traditional service, and then we’ll spend the next five weeks hearing
stories of “God moments”.
- All Mentors need to read our
Child Safety manual & have a current background check. If you have not been background checked
please grab a form to fill out this morning.
- Background checks are good for
three years.
- All mentors are mandatory
reporters. If your mentee tells
you something that you think is reportable (danger to themself, others,
in danger of being harmed, etc.) you must report it to Brent).
- Where?
- Always meet at Prince of Peace.
- Wednesday nights, check-in in the
- When?
- Ash Wednesday, Feb. 10 –
Wednesday, Mar. 16. 6:30-7:45pm
- We ask all mentors and mentees to
meet on Wednesdays from 6:30-7 and then attend worship together at 7pm.
- Make-up sessions can be done
Sunday mornings, Wednesdays before 6:30pm, or before Holy Week services.
- popmentor2016.blogspot.com – Visit
each Mon./Tue. as weekly discussion guides will be posted here.
- Brent: 763-560-8958, & brenth@princeofpeacechurch.org.
Please send me an email me so I can get a hold of you if needed.